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Show up and write!
Free Write Fridays will continue for the spring and summer months, at the Whitehorse Public Library. We tried to put it on hiatus for the summer months, but the dedicated writers would not have it, so the weekly writing sessions will continue! Yukon University and the library are teaming up, and our group meets every Friday in the WPL meeting room, from 12pm-1pm. You do not need to register, you just need to show up and write.
Bring your ideas, your laptop or pen and paper and your coffee, and join us for a free write session. Open to all genres and all writers. This is a chance to show up for yourself and your writing in a friendly and mutually supportive space. We will say hello, sit down together and then get to work.
Finish that poem you have been working on. Start that novel you have been dreaming about. Get that homework done. Work alone, but together.